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We’re Now Open By Appointment Only

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We’re delighted to announce that all our showrooms are now open exclusively by appointment only.

After having temporarily closed our showrooms in line with government guidelines, we’re very excited to once again be welcoming customers through our doors.

We are, of course, taking special precautions at this time to ensure that the highest standards of hygiene are maintained across all our premises and that social distancing is practised, without exception. The safety of our customers & staff is, unquestionably, our highest priority and we’ll be taking all the necessary measures to ensure that their wellbeing continues to be protected.

As part of our new measures, we have set up dedicated cleaning stations in the entrances of our showrooms which are complete with hand sanitisers, wipes & paper towels. Any surfaces which come into contact with our staff and customers are cleansed following every appointment and our premises are being thoroughly cleaned at the end of each day.

Our presentation areas have also been redesigned to ensure social distancing is maintained throughout design presentations and we’re continuing to restrict the number of people allowed inside each of our showrooms at any one time.

If you do have a kitchen project you want to progress and you’d like to book an appointment to visit your local Classic Interiors showroom, we’d absolutely love to hear from you.  You can book a visit now by clicking here or by calling us on 0121 405 1240

Whilst our showrooms have re-opened, we do, of course, understand that not everyone will want to visit us in person right now but may, nonetheless, want to continue planning their project. We will, therefore, be continuing to offer our Online Design Appointment service at this time. This remote service means that you can meet with one of our designers via Skype, Zoom or FaceTime without the need to leave your own home. You can find out more about our Online Design Service now by clicking here.

Many thanks for your support & understanding at this time. Most importantly, continue to stay safe.


Max Davies 
Classic Interiors